Today is  2024. 09. 17.

Call for Abstract

Poster oral
Poster exhibitions

Presentation Length

  • • Each presenter will be given 10 minutes.
  • • When the 7minute presentation ends, a Question and Answer session for participants with the panel and the presenter will follow for 3 minutes.
  • ※ Each individual presenter should take no more than 10 minutes to present. The slide show will end after passing the designated time.


  • • The presentation should be in English, which is the official language of the IMCVP 2024.

Preview Room

All speakers must visit the Preview Room to check and upload their presentation files ahead of their session.

Presentation File

  • • Authors should bring the presentation file in a USB memory stick to the preview room to upload onto the common storage device.
  • • Lectures should prepare the presentation file in MS PowerPoint in English. And please use only basic fonts for your presentation (e.g. Arial, Times New Roman), as usage of unusual fonts may not be displayed properly. If you must have special fonts on your slide files, please bring the font file as well.
  • • Technical staff will be available to assist you in uploading and testing your presentation file. No one other than the presenters will have access to the presentation file once it is loaded into the preview system.
  • • If you do not visit the preview room before your presentation for any urgent reason, you will be responsible for loading your file onto the PC in the session room directly.

Audio/Visual Guidelines

  • • Each session room will be equipped with an LCD projector, and a computer running Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2016 for your presentation. We recommend you to prepare the presentation slide with 16:9 aspect of ratio. If you must inevitably use your own laptop, you should bring it to the session room at least 60 minutes before the session begins